2016 Sessions Dates

All 2016 session dates will be finalized soon. Once they are, they’ll be posted on our calendar


Camerynn came to Project ASTRIDE in 2004 as a four-year-old. She was afraid, timid and stayed safely within herself. Her physical challenges kept her in a wheelchair for most of a day and she brought a new challenge to the PA instructors.

Camerynn was able to quickly process instructions, but her body took much longer to respond.

The instructors were scratching their heads. Camerynn was always 2-3 steps behind, but she seemed to understand the directions. The instructors figured it out and slowed things down for her. They were well rewarded. Cameryn’s mesmerizing smiles told them they were on the right track.

Cameryn didn’t quit, get angry or uncooperative. She persevered. Camerynn is the source of smiles and heartwarming thoughts. She challenged Project ASTRIDE to adapt to her – and the instructors did.

“Camerynn finds such a positive place in Project ASTRIDE. ASTRIDE is all about what she CAN do, not what she can’t do. They are so innovative. The staff and volunteers are patient and kind. Camerynn’s face lights up when we drive up the driveway. She finds joy there. Project ASTRIDE never gave up on her. “

– Ashley Stalberger, Camerynn’s Mom


April 24, 2013 – Morrison County Record – by Jennie Zeitler, Staff Writer

Connection to horses continues through equine therapy

Muriel Wollack Poehler came to her 120 acres of nature north of Royalton in 1965, purchased by her parents in 1954, in a state land auction for $120. It is a piece of the outdoors she calls a “cattail farm” — a water refuge supporting deer, fox, wild turkeys and other diverse species.

But her roots go deep in Morrison County in other ways too. Poehler’s grandmother, Isabel McLeod, graduated from Royalton High School.

Read the entire article by clicking here…

Look here in the near future for more resources, tips, schedules and photos from your sessions! Do you have a story or photo you’d like to share with others? We’d love to hear from you! Contact Anita and let her know how Project ASTRIDE’s programs have impacted you!


