Project ASTRIDE is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides therapeutic sessions (mounted and unmounted) for people with developmental, physical or sensory challenges. Participants are provided with a trained horse, adaptive tack and a team of volunteers (a certified riding instructor, horse leader and up to two side walkers) during each one hour session.

Through our program the horse and rider are truly a team!

Some of the benefits of therapeutic riding:

  • When astride the horse a rider feels, by way of their mount’s quadruped gait, the three-way motion of the human walking stride.
  • Through passive experience many riders are assisted to move their muscles and skeletal structures in patterns that they and their therapists otherwise do not have the means to facilitate.
  • The repetitive motion and constant body heat of the horse encourage the rider’s muscles to relax and their physical structure to align and become more responsive.
  • Most of our participants have never had the opportunity to be "in control". To control an animal much larger than themselves is an empowering experience!
  • Many physical therapists and others in the medical community have now begun to recognize horse therapy (hippotherapy) as a valuable addition to the physical therapy session.
  • While building self-esteem, participants gain skills that many of their peers do not have.
  • Because of interaction with volunteers, other participants and the horses, many participants learn to develop social skills and friendships.

Interested in joining us as a participant? … as a volunteer? … or maybe as a donor?



